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WA Health Practitioner fined $13,320

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has issued five infringement notices totalling $13,320 to a West Australian registered health practitioner. The notices are for the alleged unlawful advertising of medicinal cannabis products on a website and through social media.

The health practitioner is alleged to have advertised medicinal cannabis products:

· that are not TGA approved, that is not registered on the Australian Register of

Therapeutic Goods

· that are prescription-only medicines and therefore cannot be advertised to consumers

· using unapproved references to serious diseases or conditions, such as cancer and

multiple sclerosis.

The TGA facilitates legal pathways for medical practitioners to prescribe medicinal cannabis to patients. However, like in most Western countries, it is illegal to advertise prescription medicines directly to consumers. This is because advertising of prescription medicines undermines the doctor-patient relationship and may create an inappropriate demand for particular medicines which may not be right for the individual. It is possible to promote health services without also specifically advertising medicinal cannabis.

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