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It's "yes" to Optus in court case

Telstra’s allegation against Optus for misleading conduct over their ‘Covering more of Australia than ever before’ campaign has been dismissed.

Justice Jayne Jaggot agreed with the argument put forward by Optus that the advertisements did not compare their offering with other telcos. Justice Jaggot went on to say in her judgement that ‘When each advertisement is viewed as a whole Telstra’s contentions as to the representations conveyed are untenable’.

Andrew Sheridan, Optus’ VP of regulatory and public affairs, dubbed Telstra’s actions as “unnecessary bullying tactics”.

“Today’s judgement is a win over unnecessary bullying tactics, and more importantly a reminder to all Australians that Optus offers an amazing national network that they don’t have to pay through the nose to enjoy,” he said in a statement.

“Optus has made significant investments to expand our footprint, improve coverage and experience and the ruling is a win for competition, choice and most importantly customers.”

The Court ruled that Telstra was to pay Optus for their costs.

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